Thursday, February 23, 2012

Finite Mathematics

I am a very intelligent young woman. This semester I started college and was told that based on my ACT scores I could pretty much take any class offered at NWACC. Seeing as how math is my best subject I took the highest math there that I hadn't already taken. Finite Mathematics. I was looking forward to this class because I love to learn. My teacher, however, does not teach us. He does a few really long problems on each subject, tells us what he is doing, but does not tell us why or really how.

We were given a quiz today and because it took the whole class about 20 minutes to do it he told us that we are not prepared for the text coming up in a week. My thought on this is...isnt it just as much his responsibility to make sure we are prepared as it is ours. Several kids in my class have gone to him for help and he tells them that they are wrong but that he doesn't have time to help them. He sends them to the tutoring center. Most of our class failed the first test and he makes it out to be their fault.

Most days in class I try not to pay much attention because when I do I notice all the stuff he messes up and when I correct him he tells me I am wrong. Then another student can say the exact same thing I said and he thanks them for pointing it out. If I had wanted to take an independent study class I would have taken Discrete Mathematics..oh but wait, he is the professor for that.

I just dont understand how it is that MOST of my class fails and it is their fault. I don't listen to him at all and I made a B. Does this say something about the students or the teacher. The worst part of this is that he already treats me like I am stupid and talks to me in the rudest way, so I am afraid that if I confront these problems it will get worse. I just don't think that any of his students are learning anything from him.

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