Monday, June 21, 2010

Thinking Positive

I have to always had a hard life. I have a grandmother that lies about me all the time, and a grandmother you has told me my entire life that I am fat and need to lose weight and stop eating. My mom and dad have always told me that I am to strong to let people hurt and therfore and never there for me when i need them! They yell at me and put me down tramendously on a daily basis. I live in a house full of negative thought, actions, and feeling toward everything, and everyone! When my family and I fight I get online and talk to my very best friend Mrs G. She tells me how she feels and tries her absolute best to encourage me and lift me up, but for some reason I can never except it. I always argue with her and keep myself in a negative state!
Yesterday I had a hard night and was scared I was going to lose her...i have never been that scared before in my life! She ensured me that I was a good mother, a good friend, and told me that I can be very successful in life. She has helpede me through a lot of things and has finally opened eyes wider than ever before. I realized that I am the only one that can get both myself and my daughter away from all of this and to do that I have to be strong and stay positive.

From now on i am looking forward to my future and how great life is going to be for me. I am going to work hard to give my daughter a good life and teach her good values. I am never going to treat her the way that my family treats me and I will never put her down.
I am chooseing today to live my life in a positive christian way for not only myself but for my baby girl!
I love you Mrs G and i want you to know that i am so very blessed to have someone like you in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Jackie!!! You are a special young woman who has such a bright future ahead of her. I am excited to see what God has in store for you. When we open up ourselves to Him and allow Him to have control of our lives, he will bless us like we cannot imagine.
